Liza Ambrossio (1993, b.Mexico City) is a multidisciplinary artist & Filmmaker, Mexican who lives and works in France. She began her artistic practice at the age of sixteen when she asked an ancient maid from her mother’s house to steal the photographs from the family albums looking for traces of a dark past for which there seemed to be no evidence. At the same time in her native Mexico City, Ambrossio portrayed her transition from adolescence to adulthood looking for ways to survive from a distance during a chaotic and stormy process of emancipation from her family. After the suicide of her roommate and only friend from adolescence, she inherited his job as a “nota roja” photographer (police press), covering murders, accidents, and torture by drug traffickers at dawn for a local newspaper. Ambrossio goes on a journey of psychic and physical discovery flooded with disturbances, magic, trauma, dreams, and visions. In these moments, she discovers that the hell inside contains the same hell that explodes outside.
After concluding her university studies in Politics at the Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales in the U.N.A.M., Mexico City, specializing in negotiation and management of political and social conflicts related to drug trafficking and state issues at U.T. (EE.UU.), she received multiple scholarships in the United States and Europe, among them; the Descubrimientos scholarship for the Master in Photography and artistic projects at the PIC.A school awarded by the PHotoEspaña festival and the editorial house La Fabrica, and her second Master from the Transforming Arts Institute in Madrid, Spain.
Living a nomadic life without a formally artist studio, declares her mind as her home, she emerges as a leader of work teams in freedom, rejecting nationalist identification almost as if it were an mental illness, drawing inspiration from the places where she lives, loves, plays, reflects, and travels, in a real or imaginary way. She develops obsessive notebooks, models, videos, and collections of works using local materials and getting local people involved boosting their innate abilities, these dialogues unresolved circumstances and that represent a permanent travel diary as an alternative to life, in a territory of codes that are constantly confused with the map of images of her different series.
Her work embraces a multidisciplinary and conceptual approach that can be situated within the realm of ecofeminism, psychomagic, the erotics of power and the psychological game of free association that narrates controversial situations within recent history with a deeply intimate, sentimental, intellectual and feminine approach, which in turn surrounds the aura of the global political pulse. The hypermodernity of her artistic production depends on the medium used, with references to different milestones in the art history, from art povera, neoexpressionism, romanticism, gothic, or victorian… ultimately converging her series into a personal symbolic language.
From an aesthetic perspective, her production is distinguished by a profound obsession with the deconstruction of the body, the mental landscape, the complexity of a sentimental alphabet that strives to build through different artistic or conceptual platforms, and the circularity between the magical, religious, organic, extravagant fetishistic and industrial esthetic. Ambrossio investigates the conceptual burden of the humility of materials, fragility, the sense of losing control in work with unorthodox materials, and the power of space.
In the words of the prestigious curator of Latin American art in the Tate Modern collections, the MUAC in Mexico City and art critic Cuauhtémoc Medina:
“The concatenation of themes and scenarios in works like that of Liza Ambrossio are testimony to an era that is increasingly less capable of simulating shared references, and that is paradoxically marked by the horror of a universalized blindness. It is perhaps for this reason that throughout the indecipherable prophecies of her different photographic series, texts, audios, sculptures, installations, drawings, paintings, models, sounds, books and videos, Ambrossio’s obsession with presenting the eyes as sign of blindness.
From the cover of “Blood Orange-Naranja de Sangre”, flooded with blue scratches and the empty gaze of the child, through the preference to show portraits of people who have their eyes closed or veiled eyes, to the macabre joke of two faces that cover the globule ocular with the yellow protein sphere of an egg yolk, Ambrossio possesses Duchampian qualities by rescuing the impossibility of vision. While in ‘La ira de la devoción-The rage of devotion,’ Ambrossio returns the observer’s gaze through her fidelity to her family archives. She consciously or unconsciously suppresses all other gazes. This absence suggests the edge of the unbearable: the denial of a space of truce, the suffocation of the absence of all contact and dialogue.The point where the eyes are no longer a window to any interior: where everything has become a terrible and opaque reflection, a well that reveals the terror of origin, fragile childhood, the root of all evil and all that is cursed.”
Her universe breathes a real attempt to understand the powers and weaknesses of the mind as a way to scrutinize the human experience, which goes through the past, present, and future time. Ambrossio is incorporating symbols alluding to witchcraft, eroguru, mythology, memories, and legends that she mixes with her written narrative, photo sculpture, photo books, objects, installations, sounds, paintings, drawings, performance, and videos that she unites by free association, schemes promoted by her own theories related to psychological manipulation and its influence on the continuation or rupture of the power professed by the different social structures. Their approaches have an intense but anarchic relationship with chance and instinct and imply the destabilization of female canons that threaten the possibility of exceeding ethnic, sexual, moral, religious, and political limits.
Ambrossio is the author of “The rage of devotion_La ira de la devoción” edited by La Fabrica, considered by the British Journal of Photography and El País as one of the most exalted and risky photo books of the year 2018, her work has been exhibited in Europe, the United States, Malaysia, Mexico and Singapore. Including sites such as the Somerset House in the UK, the Palazzo Palmieri and the Ex Mattatoio-Rome in Italy, the Göteborgs Konstmuseum in Sweden, the Museum of Contemporary Art (MACQ) in Mexico, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Zagreb (msg) in Croatia, the Museum National of Contemporary Art (ΕΜΣΤ), in Greece, Casa de America in Spain within the official selection of PHoto España 2021, the Manuel Rivera Ortiz Foundation, during the Rencontres de la photographie de Arles 2022, the Académie française and the Collection Lambert in Avignon, France; also international fairs such as Art Basel, Arco, Photo London, UNSEEN, Zona Maco and JustMad. Ambrossio’s imaginary has been reviewed by Art Nexus, The British Journal of Photography, The Magnum Foundation, El País, Babelia, El Mundo, El español, Der Greif, GUP, Unseen magazine, Vogue, L’Officiel, El Universal, Fire cracker, and Lens Culture.
She has received the FNAC Nuevo Talento award in Spain, Voies Off in Arles, France the same year 2018, the Flash Forward in Canada, the PhEST in Italy, and the PHmuseum New Generation Grant in the United Kingdom during 2019. In 2020 she was awarded by the annual photography residence from the Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac in París, France. Ambrossio was member of the Casa de Velazquez (L’Académie de France à Madrid), also she was recently nominated for the prestigious Prix Pictet in Switzerland, the Prix of Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO), and the Arts Electronica in the EE.UU. The years 2021-2022 she won the Singapore International Photography Festival (SIPF), and the Helsinki Photo Festival, and exhibited at the Yvon Lambert collection in Avignon, France. Ambrossio was invited to the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society as a speaker at the table: “When art calls for social change”, recognized by the Financial Times, like one of the most influential forums in the world. Also she has presented her second photo book “Blood Orange_Naranja de Sangre”, during 2023 recently presented her third book entitled “Toda devoción causa ira” by the Spanish editorial Pepitas de Calabaza and her first major career solo show in the Sala Amos Salvador with a route of a thousand meters of art works with the same title as her book, for 2024 Ambrossio works on her four book entitled “The witch stage”.
Ambrossio has received favorable reviews regarding her different projects from top international curators and art critics such as Arianna Rinaldo, IT, Cuauhtémoc Medina, MX, Chema Gonzalez, SP, Christine Barthe, FR, Fabienne Aguado, FR, Jae Seok, KOR, Javier-Martín Jiménez, SP, Patricia Sorroche, SP and Johan Sjöström, SWE. Her works are part of important collections such as the Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, Paris, FR, The Académie de France à Madrid, SP, among others.
2020-2021 | Casa de Velázquez, Artist in residence, Madrid, SP
2019 | Transforming Arts Institute MA in Art Photography and Documental, Madrid, SP.
2018 | PIC.A PHotoEspaña MA in Photography and Artistic Projects, Madrid, SP.
2016 | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México BA (Hons) Politics and international relations Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Mexico City, MX / University of Texas (Austin) Exchange program for students of excellence, Texas, EE.UU.
2015 | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana BA Diseño, Mexico City, MX.
2024 | Bogliasco Foundation Felowship, winner
2024 | Prix Fabulous Signature / Fondation signature, nominated
2023 | Prix Coup coeur del jury /OVNI Cosmopolis-Niza, winner
2023 | Der Greif/ Guest Room:Damarice Amao and Mattias Pfaller, selected artist
2023 | ICP Infinity Awards, nominated
2023 | Prix of Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO) and the Arts Electronica, nominated
2022 |The Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society, Speaker
2022 | Prix SAM Pour l’art contemporain-Palais de Tokio, nominated
2022 | Singapore International Photography Festival (SIPF), winner
2022 | Helsinki Photo Festival, winner
2022 | Prix of Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO) and the Arts Electronica, nominated
2021 | Nadine Foundation, Invited artist
2021 | Laguna Residence, Invited artist
2021 | PHmuseum days, selected artist
2021 | Grand Prix Images Vevey, finalist
2021 | Prix pictet, nominated
2020 | Résidence pour la photographie Musée du Quai branly – Jacques Chirac, winner
2020 | World Press Photo 6×6 Global Talent Program, nominated
2020 | World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass, nominated
2020 | Casa de Velázquez Residence, selected artist
2020 | LOBA Leica Oscar Barnak Award, nominated
2019 | World Press Photo 6×6 Global Talent Program, nominated
2019 | World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass, nominated
2019 | Red Hook Labs: New artist III, selected artist
2019 | Magenta Foundation Flash forward, winner
2019 | PHMuseum New generation prize, winner
2019 | PhEST Festival internazionale di fotografia, winner
2019 | Belfast Photo Festival, selected artist
2019 | Prix Verzasca Foto Festival, finalist
2019 | Winterthur Museum Plat(t)form, nominated
2019 | Unseen platform, nominated
2019 | Transforming Arts Institute, Full scholarship
2018 | Magnum foundation & Fujifilm Burn award, finalist
2018 | Banc Sabadell Foundation DOCfield Dummy Award, finalist
2018 | Festival Luz del norte, Babel Gallery Award, winner
2018 | SCAN Tarragona Full Contact, selected artist
2018 | Encontros da Image, honorable mention
2018 | Voies Off Award 2018, winner
2018 | FNAC New Talent Award, winner
2018 | Cortona On the Move New visions, selected artist
2018 | Houston FotoFest Portfolio Review, Full scholarship
2017 | Festival Luz del norte Bindu Award, winner
2017 | PHotoEspaña Descubrimientos, Full scholarship
2016 | Tokio Photo Awards, honorable mention
2016 | PHotoEspaña Trasatlántica, selected artist
2014 | FINI, Festival Internacional de la Imagen, winner
2014 | Festival Paraty em foco, finalist
2023 | Embassy of Mexico in France / OVNi, Hôtel Windsor, curated by Nathalie Amae, Nice, FR
2023 | Logroño City Council “Traiciones no aguanto, para buenos los santos” by the Sala Amos Salvador SP
2023 | Logroño City Council “Ver tanto y estar tan ciego” by the Festival Cuéntalo SP
2022 | Ministère français de l’Éducation nationale, ¡Viva villa!+ Collection Lambert + Académie française, curated by Victorine Grataloup, Marsella, FR
2022 | ¡Viva villa!+ Collection Lambert + Académie française, curated by Victorine Grataloup, Marsella, FR
2024 | Art Space LUMUS/Busan International Photo Festival, “All devotion causes anger” curated by Jae-hyun SEOK, KR
2023 | Sala Amos Salvador, “Toda devoción causa ira” curated by Javier-Martín Jiménez, SP
2022 | The Art Pledge (TAP) “All devotion causes rage” curated by Didier Saulnier + Sophie Neveux, FR
2022 | Singapore International Photography Festival (SIPF) “The witch stage” curated by John Savage + Gwen Lee, SG
2022 | Nadie, Nada, Nunca, No “The witch stage” curated by Diana Cuellar, SP
2022 | Les Rencontres d´Arles / Manuel Rivera Ortiz Foundation + Kehrer Verlag + Nadine Foundation / “Blood Orange”curated by Klaus Kehrer + Florent Basiletti, FR
2022 | Nadine Foundation “The witch stage” curated by Giangiacomo Cirla, SP
2022 | Centro Parraga,”Blood Orange”curated by Javier-Martín Jiménez, SP
2022 | OPR Gallery “The witch stage” curated by Giangiacomo Cirla, IT
2021 | PHoto España_Official selection, Casa de America + Casa de Velázquez “Blood Orange” curated by Fabienne Aguado, SP
2020 | Pozzuolo del Friuli, Riaperture festival “The rage of devotion” curated by Margherita Margo, IT
2020 | Museum of Contemporary Art of Zagreb (msu), Organ Vida Photo Festival “Blood Orange” curated by Marina Paulenka, HU
2020 | Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Querétaro (MACQ) ENFOQUE “Blood Orange” curated by Luis Beltran + Papus Von Saenger, MX
2019 | Carpintarias de São Lázaro, IMAGO Festival “The rage of devotion” curated by Rui Prata, PORT
2019 | Gothenburg Museum of contemporary Art/ Hasselblad Center “The rage of devotion” curated by Johan Sjöström, SWE
2019 | Palazzo Palmieri, PhEST + PHmuseum “The rage of devotion”curated by Arianna Rinaldo, IT
2019 | BFOTO Festival “The rage of devotion” SP
2018-2019 | FNAC New talent award “Blood orange” curated by Ana Bolivar, SP
2018 | Camara Oscura “The rage of devotion” curated by Juan Curto, SP
2024 | Latin American photography, L’INAPERÇU, curated by Christine Barthe, FR
2023 | Ex Mattatoio-Rome, Photography Rome Collection, co-curated by Phroom and Matteo Binci, IT
2022 | ‘Too strong for fantasy’ (2018) Desing week Beijing, curated by Lucia Lara, CH
2021 | ‘CVZ´S Studios # 3’ Liza Ambrossio, FR-SP
2021 | Kehrer Verlag-Paris Photo, FR
2021 | Kehrer Verlag-Photo London, UK
2021 | Residents of Laguna, MX
2021 | PHmuseum days, IT
2021-2022 | ITINÉRANCE // Casa de Velazquez + Académie française / Collection Lambert Avignon SP + FR
2021 | Zapping the Archive // Odesa Photo Days 2021 x PHROOM, UKR
2021 | Marcos /Parergón, Gallery Ethra + Acapulco 62 + Zona Maco, MX
2021 | Kassel Fotobookfestival Dummy Library, TR
2021 | Jornada de Puertas Abiertas”Casa de Velazquez, SP
2021 | ‘UVEA’ by PHROOM – Images Gibellina, IT
2020 | ‘Too strong for fantasy’ Festival Arte en vivo, Parque fundidora, MX
2020 | ‘Zapping the Archive’ GetxoPhoto Festival + PHROOM, SP
2020 | photoSCHWEIZ 20, SWE
2019 | UNSEEN Amsterdam, NL
2019 | Alianza Francesa, PAN
2019 | ILHAM Kuala Lumpur Photo Awards, MAL
2019 | PHROOM Paradiso, IT
2019 | Singapore Art Book fair, SGP
2019 | Art Stays, ESLOV
2019 | Red Hook Labs: New artist III, US
2019 | Museum National of Contemporary Art (ΕΜΣΤ), Athens Photo Festival, GR
2019 | Art Basel, SUI
2019 | Belfast foto festival, IRL
2019 | Somerset House, Photo London, UK
2019 | FORMAT Festival Forever Now, UK
2019 | JustMAD, SP
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Vogue Photo Festival, IT
2019 | ‘Too strong for fantasy’ PhEST, IT
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Obscura Festival, MYS
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Just Another Photo Festival, IND
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Cortona On The Move, IT
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Odesa Photo Days, UKR
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Circulations, FR
2019 | ‘Too strong for fantasy’ (2018) Internationales Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund Köln / Women’s Film Festival, DE
2018-2019 |’Too strong for fantasy’ (2018) FNAC, SP
2018 |’Too strong for fantasy’ Camara Oscura, SP
2018 |’Too strong for fantasy’ Photomeetings Luxembourg, LUX
2018 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Voies Off 2018, FR
2018 | ‘Ganadores de Luz del norte’(2018) PhotOn, SP
2018 | ‘Blood Orange’ (2018) Foto Noche 2018, SP
2018 | ‘The rage of devotion’ (2018) Cortona On The Move, IT
2018 | ‘Too strong for fantasy’ (2018) Centro de Arte de Alcobendas, SP
2018 | ‘Liza Ambrossio’ (2018) Centro de la Imagen, MX
2018 | Museum Alberto Sampairo Encontros da Image, PORT
2018 | Foto Colectania DOCfield Dummy Award, SP
2018 | Cosmos Arles Books Best photo books of the year, FR
2018 | Parque Fundidora, Luz del norte, MX
2018 | Photomeetings Luxembourg LUX
2018 | Cosmos Arles Books The family of no men, FR
2018 | Centro de Arte de Alcobendas MA de PHotoEspaña, SP
2017 | Foto Museo Cuatro Caminos (FM4) MX
2017 | Parque Fundidora, Luz del norte, MX
2014 | Pagina en Blando, MX
2014 | Centro Cultural de España en Mexico FINI, MX
2014 | Festival Paraty em foco BRA
2022 | ‘Too strong for fantasy’ (2018) Desing week Beijing / Curated by Lucia Lara, CH
2021 | ‘CVZ´S Studios # 3’ Liza Ambrossio, FR-SP
2021 | # Behaind the book_Kehrer Verlag, ‘Nocturnas‘_Casa de Velazquez, SP
2021 | ‘UVEA’ by PHROOM – Images Gibellina, IT
2020 | ‘Too strong for fantasy’ Festival Arte en vivo, Parque fundidora, MX
2020 | ‘Zapping the Archive’ GetxoPhoto Festival + PHROOM, SP
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Vogue Photo Festival, IT
2019 | ‘Too strong for fantasy’ PhEST, IT
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Obscura Festival, MYS
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Just Another Photo Festival, IND
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Cortona On The Move, IT
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Odesa Photo Days, UKR
2019 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Circulations, FR
2019 | ‘Too strong for fantasy’ (2018) Internationales Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund Köln / Women’s Film Festival, DE
2018-2019 |’Too strong for fantasy’ (2018) FNAC, SP
2018 |’Too strong for fantasy’ Camara Oscura, SP
2018 |’Too strong for fantasy’ Photomeetings Luxembourg, LUX
2018 | ‘The rage of devotion’ Voies Off 2018, FR
2018 | ‘Ganadores de Luz del norte’(2018) PhotOn, SP
2018 | ‘Blood Orange’ (2018) Foto Noche 2018, SP
2018 | ‘The rage of devotion’ (2018) Cortona On The Move, IT
2018 | ‘Too strong for fantasy’ (2018) Centro de Arte de Alcobendas, SP
2018 | ‘Liza Ambrossio’ (2018) Centro de la Imagen, MX
2023 | ‘Ver tanto y estar tan ciego’ Directed by Liza Ambrossio
2018 | ‘Too strong for fantasy’ Directed by Liza Ambrossio
2023 | Toda devoción causa ira, by Liza Ambrossio / Arianna Rinaldo / Cuahutemoc Medina / Javier-Martin Jiménez, ED. Pepitas de Calabaza, Spain
2021 | Blood Orange_Naranja de Sangre, by Liza Ambrossio, ED. Kehrer Verlag, Germany
2018 | The rage of devotion_La ira de la devoción by Liza Ambrossio, ED. Desiertas Ediciones & La Fabrica, Mexico-Spain
2024 | Photographie, vol. 5., lLes acquisitions photographiques des institutions publiques + Ministère de la Culture, ED. Le Bec en l’air. FR
2022 | ¡Viva villa!+ Collection Lambert + Académie française + Ministère de la Culture, FR
2022 | Prix Pictet Book, Fiona Shields , ED. Gestalten, GR
2021 | Caterina Almirall / Casa de Velázquez, 2020 2021, CVZ´S Studios , Académie française + Ministère de la Culture, FR.
2019 | On death by Kris Graves Projects + Humble Arts Foundation, Yale University, EE.UU.
2019 | Bohemian Rhapsody by Andres Isaac Santana, Ira y Devoción, ED. Le Project, SP
2023 | El país-“No puedes dedicarte al arte si no tienes un instinto suicida” – Liza Ambrossio, SP
2023 | El mundo-“Liza Ambrossio: El exilio de un pasado traumático” , SP
2023 | El español-“A veces los demonios son quienes te ayudan a ver dónde hay que dar el siguiente paso” – Liza Ambrossio, SP
2021 | Point contemporain: Entretien – Liza Ambrossio, FR
2021 | PHMuseum + Le Monde “Liza Ambrossio: Visualizing What Individual Madness Looks Like”, IT+FR
2021 | El País “Liza Ambrossio, Joven y artista: Un personaje atipico en Arco”, SP
2021 | El País “Pesadillas lúcidas: Las fotografias de Liza Ambrossio”, SP
2021 | El País “Liza Ambrossio: Sostener y defender la cultura”, SP
2021 | El Universal “Liza Ambrossio rinde culto a sus origenes mestizos”, MX
2021 | British Journal of Photography, Agency by Liza Ambrossio, UK
2021 | Fire-cracker-Liza Ambrossio, UK
2020 | The Art Newspaper, Recidences Photographiques du Musée du Quai Branly: Le crue 2020, FR
2020 | 9 Lives magazine, Lauréats 2020 des Résidences Photographiques du Quai Branly, FR
2020 | PHmuseum, Video Interview with Liza Ambrossio, UK
2019 | Lens Culture, Liza Ambrossio, NL
2019 | GUP Magazine-Liza Ambrossio, NL
2019 | Bird in Flight magazine “Кровавый апельсин: Что рождают сны разума”, RUS
2019 | Espacio Gaf “Ambrossio: “Immortal, divina, comida de dioses, destinada a la vida eterna”, MX
2019 | Unseen Magazine “Issue 8, Family”, NL
2019 | Vogue Magazine “A Q&A with Mexican artist Liza Ambrossio”, IT
2019 | Der Greif Catherine Troiano/ Victoria and Albert museum, DE
2019 | Foto Féminas/ PHmuseum, “A Mexican Photographer Confronts her difficult personal history”, HKG
2019 | SWITCH Magazine, Artist featured-Liza Ambrossio, IT
2019 | Visions Magazine “The Uncanny Roam”, CN
2019 | BLINK Magazine Interview, KOR
2019 | ArtNexus #111, COL
2019 | Woman Magazine Interview-Liza Ambrossio, SP
2019 | British Journal of Photography Interview, UK
2019 | Más de arte “La llamada de lo salvaje”, SP
2019 | PHROOM Artist featured, IT
2019 | Burn Magazine Fujifilm/Young Talent Award, EE.UU.
2019 | fotoMAGAZINE “Liza Ambrossio: The discovery of the year”, DE
2018 | El País “Mejores libros de fotografía del año”, SP
2018 | Tendencias del mercado Artist featured, SP
2018 | Influencers Magazine “The demons that brought success”, SP
2018 | SCOPIO editions Artist featured, PORT
2018 | Agencia EFE “La perla mexicana de la fotografía”, SP
2018 | El País “Liza Ambrossio: en las venas de una hechicera”, SP
2018 | FNAC press “Winner of the XVII Edition of New Talent”, SP
2018 | El País “Liza Ambrossio: Lo inmoral es importante en mi obra”, SP
2018 | L’Officiel “Vision propia”, MX
2018 | TAI Blog “I believe in freedom as a flag”, SP
2018 | NEO2 Magazine Artist featured, SP
2018 | Cadena Tres TV Artist featured, SP
2018 | Cada día un fotógrafo Artist featured, SP
2018 | ABC Cultural “Alberto Garcia-Alix & Liza Ambrossio”, SP
2018 | El País “Madrid, en términos de arte no es la vieja Europa y eso son buenas noticias”, SP
2018 | El Mundo “La artista visual Liza Ambrossio suelta a los demonios”, SP
2018 | El Mundo “Aquí pululan los monstruos”, SP
2018 | Albedo Media Artist featured, SP
2018 | Eyes on Talents “Liza Ambrossio: Voies Off Award”, UK
2018 | Clavo Ardiendo Magazine “La fotografia esoterica”, SP
2018 | Vanguardia “The rage of devotion wins important contest in France”, MX
2018 | Photo España “Student wins the prestigious Voies Off award in Arles France”, SP
2018 | British Journal of Photography “Arles: Young guns on show (…)”, UK
2018 | Clavo Ardiendo Magazine Artist featured, SP
2018 | La Jornada “From the rage to the devotion and vice versa”, MX
2018 | Centro de la Imagen Artist featured, MX
2017 | Espacio Gaf Artist featured, VEN
2016 | Rafael Roa, Fotografía y más SP
2015 | Cuartoscuro “The sins of my father”, MX
2015 | L ́Oeil de la photography “The sins of my father”, FR
Collection Lambert, FR
Hotel Windsor, FR
Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, FR
Casa de Velázquez,The Académie de France à Madrid, FR / SP
Nadine Foundation, SP / NL
2024 | Bogliasco Foundation Felowship, IT
2024 | The Dery House, Felowship, EE.UU
2023 | Production residence Hôtel Windsor + OVNI Festival / Nice FR
2023 | Production residence by the Sala Amos Salvador SP
2022 | Voice+Photo VOGUE / NFT Residency IT
2021 | Laguna Residence MX
2020-2021 | Musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac FR
2020-2021 | Casa de Velázquez SP
2018 | Neumünster Abbey LUX
2017 | Gulkinstan ISL
2024 | Museo Reina Sofia, What the saw / Historical Photobooks by women 1843-1999, Russet Ledesma /Olga Yatskevich (curatorship) & Liza Ambrossio, SP.
2023 |Sala Amos Salvador, Escribiendo imágenes (Writing images), Miguel Ángel Hernández (writer) & Liza Ambrossio, moderated by Rubén Fernández Costa O’Dogherty (Journalist / El Español)
2023 |Sala Amos Salvador, Leyendo imágenes, Conversación en torno al foto libro (Reading images, Conversation around the photobook), Victoria del Val (Curator of the Mapfre foundation), Arianna Rinaldo (Curator) y Javier Martín-Jiménez (Curator), SP.
2023 |Sala Amos Salvador, Ver tanto y estar tan ciego (Seeing so much and being so blind), Aurora Inxausti (Editor of the newspaper El País) + Patricia Sorroche (Curator of the MACBA museum, Barcelona) & Liza Ambrossio, SP.
2022 |The Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society, When art calls for social change, Guila Clara Kessous (ONU Goodwill Ambassador) + Pauline Avenel Lam (Deputy Director of Inclusive Beauty Program at Fondation L’Oréal & L’Oréal Fund for Women) & Liza Ambrossio, FR.
2021 | París Photo X Kehrer Verlag “Blood Orange_Naranja de sangre _The art of sacrificing a virgin”, Federica Chiocchetti (Director Museum of Fine Arts Le Locle) & Liza Ambrossio, FR.
2021 | Photo Days X Musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac “The witch stage _ All dévotion causes rage”, Christine Barhte (Curator – Head of the Photographic collections · musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac) & Liza Ambrossio, FR.
2021 | Laguna Residence “Blood Orange_Naranja de sangre_The art of sacrificing a virgin”, Cuauhtémoc Medina (Critic and curator) & Liza Ambrossio, MX.
2021 | Casa de America “Blood Orange_Naranja de sangre_The art of sacrificing a virgin”, Javier Martín-Jiménez (Curator) & Liza Ambrossio X Nadine Foundation, SP-NL
2021 | Casa de America “Blood Orange_Naranja de sangre_The art of sacrificing a virgin”, Fabienne Aguado (IFAL – Institut français d’Amérique latine) & Liza Ambrossio X Académie française, SP-FR.
2021 | Marcos /Parergón, Gallery Ethra + Acapulco 62 + Zona Maco, Arianna Landaburo (Curator) + Boris Viskin (Artist) + Mara Polgovsky (Filmmaker) & Liza Ambrossio, MX.
2020 | Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Queretaro, “All devotion causes rage”, Papus Von Saenger (Director of the MACQ museum) & Liza Ambrossio, MX.
2019 | Photobrik, Casa Colón “All devotion causes rage”, Rakel Zenker (Curator) & Liza Ambrossio, SP.
2019 | Konstmuseum “All devotion causes rage”, Johan Sjöstöm (Curator) & Liza Ambrossio, SWE
2019 | PhEST Festival “All devotion causes rage”, Arianna Rinaldo (Curator) & Liza Ambrossio, IT
2019 | BFOTO Festival “All devotion causes rage”, SP
2019 | PhotOn Valencia “All devotion causes rage”, Tania Castro (Curator), SP
2019 | FORMAT Festival “About the Rage of devotion”, UK
2019 | Mecànic “All devotion causes rage”, Arianna Rinaldo (Curator) & Liza Ambrossio, SP
2019 | FNAC-Valencia “All devotion causes rage”, Tania Castro (Curator) & Liza Ambrossio, SP
2019 | FNAC-Barcelona “A trip to madness”, Arianna Rinaldo (Curator) & Liza Ambrossio, SP
2018 | Camara Oscura “A trip to madness”, Alberto Garcia-Alix (Artist) & Liza Ambrossio, SP
2018 | Royal Photographic Society “Rage and devotion”, SP
2018 | La Fabrica “The rage of devotion”, Alberto Garcia-Alix (Artist) & Liza Ambrossio, SP
2018 | Transforming Arts Institute “Rage and devotion”, SP
2018 | PIC.A PHotoEspaña “Rage and devotion”, SP
2018 | FNAC-Madrid “Rage and devotion”, SP
2018 | Cercle Cité “Rage and devotion”, LUX
2019| PhotOn Festival, Photographic competition, Jury/Reviewer, Spain
2019| FNAC New Talent Award, Photographic competition, Jury, Spain
2019 | OIJ Organismo Internacional para la juventud de America Latina Photographic competition, Jury, Spain and latin América
2018 | El País Selection of the best photo books of the year, Nominator, Spain